Pre-Academy Training

What is Pre-Academy Training?
Academy soccer is more competitive than recreational soccer, so Pre-Academy training readies players for that big next step into serious soccer. The training  is carried out by a licensed, professional soccer coach. Pre-Academy training is 1 hour, once a week on the same fields most practices and games are held.  Boys & Girls will train together and training is free of charge!

When is registration?
Pre-Academy groups are formed at the beginning of each season (Fall-September/ Spring-March) Click the Interest button below to let us know if your player would like to train this season!

How long is the commitment?
Pre-Academy seasons run Sept-Nov & March-May
My Player is Interested in Pre-Academy Training!

Select Soccer Age Groups

Groups are identified based on birth year.

Age Group / Birth Year

           U6         2019

           U5          20202

What is the financial cost?
Pre-Academy training is free!

What is the commitment?
Pre-Academy might be free,
but it does have a registration and commitment. Putting together a group of players who want to learn the skills and discipline of Academy Soccer requires planning and a skilled Coach.
We ask Pre-Academy Players to commit
to 1 hour each week for training.

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