our Soccer programs

  • Recreation Soccer

    Recreation soccer is a soccer program primarily devoted to the enjoyment and development of soccer players. Recreation soccer is meant to be a fun experience for players, the expectations for the players in Recreation are to learn the rules of soccer and gain experience playing on a team.

    Recreation Ages: U4-U14

  • Pre-Academy Soccer

    Pre-Academy is designed for players U5-U6. Academy soccer is more competitive than recreational soccer, so Pre-Academy training readies players for that big next step into serious soccer. The training  is carried out by a licensed, professional soccer coach. Pre-Academy training is 1 hour, once a week on the same fields most practices and games are held.  Boys & Girls will train together and training is free of charge!

  • Academy Soccer

    Academy soccer is more competitive than recreational soccer. The training and coaching is carried out by licensed, professional soccer coaches. Compared to recreational soccer, Academy soccer requires a greater time and financial commitment from the parents and players & mainly involves training and tournaments in and around the Middle Tennessee area.  Academy ages: U7-U12

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  • Select Soccer

    Select soccer is more competitive than Academy soccer. The training and coaching is carried out by licensed, professional soccer coaches. Compared to Academy soccer, Select soccer requires a greater time and financial commitment from the parents and players and mainly involves TN State League games and tournaments in and around the Middle Tennessee area. Periodically, away games and tournaments can be in other parts of Tennessee with some teams attending out of state tournaments.  Select Ages: U13-U19

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  • Adult Soccer

    Adult Soccer is free-play league designed to allow players over 18 to participate in friendly games, spontaneous practices and pick-up games. Adults are welcome to sign-up for our indoor Futsal Tournament in the winter. 

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